Exploring New Frontiers: Venturing into SoundCloud

Greetings Edgers,

We've got some thrilling news to share with you! For those who have followed our journey from the shadows of private commissions to the vibrant stage of public sound, brace yourselves for a paradigm shift. Yes, you heard it right. Beating Edge are stepping into the realm of mainstream music!

In the past, our creative endeavors were often shrouded in secrecy, crafting melodies and harmonies behind closed doors, only to be unveiled upon special request. But now, fueled by a desire to connect with a broader audience and to share our passion with the world, we've embarked on a bold experiment.

We're excited to announce that we've begun releasing new tracks on SoundCloud, a platform where the pulse of mainstream music beats incessantly. This decision marks a significant departure from our previous modus operandi, as we embrace the challenge of making our music accessible to all who have ears to hear.

We invite you to join us on this journey as we navigate the currents of the mainstream, armed with nothing but our love for music and a burning desire to make our mark.

To all our loyal supporters, we extend our deepest gratitude for your unwavering encouragement and steadfast belief in our vision. Your support has been the driving force behind every note we've ever played, and we couldn't have come this far without you.

With love,

the Beating Edge
